Thanks for stopping by and hanging out at Venora's Vintage.
1. the length of existence
adjective: vintage
1. denoting something of high quality, especially something from the past or characteristic of the best period of a person's work
Me? I grew up in California to parents who got married in Hong Kong after a two year long distance relationship between two islands - Hong Kong and Hawaii. In 1991 my parents packed us up and moved to Eau Claire, Wisconsin to run a Chinese restaurant. Today, I live in the Minnesota - very close to an international airport.
I love stories that twist in humorous ways, colorful people, vintage kitchenware (especially pink and turquoise vintage Pyrex), good food (either from the stove top or the oven), all things Hawaii, crocheting (especially making ridiculously adorable dresses for little baby girls) and make-up.
Got more questions? E-mail me at mycupcakegoddess {at} gmail {dot} com or follow me here.